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New CIW 1D0-435 Exam Dumps Collection (Question 8 - Question 17)
New Questions 8
The method toUpperCase() can also be called a function.
Answer: B
New Questions 9
The document.write method belongs to the object.
A. browser
B. form
C. window
D. document
Answer: D
New Questions 10
Which method of the String object would you use when writing the name of a chemical compound, such as u201cH20u201d?
A. sup()
B. sub()
C. small()
D. anchor()
Answer: B
New Questions 11
How would you change two frames simultaneously in JavaScript?
A. You must write a JavaScript function that includes two references to top.
B. You must write a JavaScript function that includes two or more location.href statements.
C. You must write a JavaScript function that includes the statement.
D. You must write a JavaScript function that includes the parent.parent statement.
Answer: B
New Questions 12
The method, allows you to create text that is dynamically written to the window as the script is executed.
A. document.write()
B. document.prompt()
C. prompt()
D. document.input()
Answer: A
New Questions 13
Which of the following is the JavaScript string object special character to insert a new line?
A. /n
B. n
C. b
D. /b
Answer: B
New Questions 14
Language objects are named with a capital letter. Since JavaScript is case sensitive, using lower case to refer to one of these objects will cause an error.
Answer: A
New Questions 15
JavaScript contains both Keywords that you must use to achieve specific results and Reserved words that you are not permitted to use for variable or function
Answer: A
New Questions 16
What will the following code cause to happen on Mouseover?
<a href="nojavascript...linksFun();" onMouseOver="status='Related Links'return true;" onMouseOut="status=''return true;">Related Links
A. nothing
B. The words "Related Links" will appear in the status bar.
C. The words "Related Links" will appear as a drop down list.
D. The words "Related Links" will disappear in the status bar.
Answer: B
New Questions 17
One domain cannot deposit a cookie for another domain. This would be cross-domain posting and in theroy, is not possible. However, the cross-domain posting rule can be bypassed with the use of shared cookies.
Answer: B
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