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New CIW 1D0-435 Exam Dumps Collection (Question 6 - Question 15)
Q1. Which of the following operators is the logical "and", that evaluates to true when both operands are true?
B. &
C. and
D. &&
Answer: D
Q2. The pair contains the domain name of the URL that issued the cookie.
B. domain=domain
C. path=path
D. document=document
Answer: B
Q3. An Instance is the term for the real-time objects that are generated from the empty constructor template?
Answer: B
Q4. Regarding cookies: If the expires attribute is not used, when will the cookie expire?
A. in 10 days
B. in 3 days
C. in 30 days
D. at the end of the user's session with the Web application
Answer: D
Q5. A is used to send form contents to a server.
A. send box
B. submit button
C. send button
D. submit box
Answer: B
Q6. The variable name "firstname" is the same as variable name "FirstName".
Answer: B
Q7. In JavaScript, ++x+ will add one to the value of x after the assignment is complete.
Answer: A
Q8. A is an organized block of code that handles actions generated by user events.
A. function
B. method
C. statement
D. object
Answer: A,C
Q9. Consider the following code:
<script> var x = 0;
for (i=0; i<5; i++) { x += i;
alert("1+2+3+4 = " +x);
How many times will the program loop, and what will be the final value of x?
A. 5, 10
B. 4, 9
C. 4, 5
D. 5, 5
Answer: A
Q10. are the actual data values you provide in JavaScript.
A. Variables
B. Literals
C. Properties
D. Methods
Answer: B
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