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Q11. Consider the relation shown in the exhibit. Which of the following SQL statements would return a relation that excludes all customers with a Satisfaction_Rate of less than or equal to 80 unless the Sales_Office is located in Atlanta? 

A. SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Satisfaction_Rate > 80 OR Sales_Office = Atlanta 

B. SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Satisfaction_Rate <= 80 AND Sales_Office = Atlanta 

C. SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Satisfaction_Rate >= 80; 

D. SELECT * FROM Customers WHERE Satisfaction_Rate >= 80 AND NOT Sales Office = Atlanta 


Q12. For the Employee relation shown in the exhibit, which set of column value holds the complete tuple for the employee named James Smith? 

A. 0002, James, Smith 

B. 0002, James, Smith,10-25-76 

C. First_Name, James, Last_Name, Smith 

D. Emp_ID, 0002, First_Name, James, Last_Name, Smith 


Q13. Consider the following relation definition: 

STUDENT( Student_Number: integer NOT NULL Name: variable length character string length 20 NOT NULL) Primary Key Student_Number HOUSING( Housing_ID: integer NOT NULL Student_Number: integer NOT NULL Building: variable length character string length 25 NOT NULL) Primary Key Housing_ID Foreign Key Student_Number References STUDENT(Student_Number) ON DELETE NO CHECK ON UPDATE 

Which integrity constraint is violated in this relation definition? 

A. Entity integrity 

B. Domain constraint 

C. Referential integrity 

D. Enterprise constraint 

Answer: C

Q14. Consider the Orders relation shown in the exhibit. Which of the following SQL statements would replace the value in the Sales_Rep_No column with 110 everywhere that Sales_Rep_No 108 is listed? 

A. UPDATESales_Rep_No IN Orders SET(Sales_Rep_No = 110 WHERE Sales_Rep_No = 108); 

B. UPDATE Orders SET Sales_Rep_No = 110 WHERE Sales_Rep_No = 108; 

C. UPDATE Orders 

SET Sales_Rep_No = 110; 

D. UPDATE Orders 

WHERE Sales_Rep_No = 108 

SET Sales_Rep_No = 110; 


Q15. Consider the Orders relation shown in the exhibit. Which of the following SQL statements would return all complete tuples for order dates in 2002, arranged by amount from lowest to highest? 


FROM Orders 

WHERE Order_Date LIKE _02 

ORDER BY Amount; 

B. SELECT (Order_Date, Amount) 

FROM Orders 

WHERE Order_Date LIKE %02 

ORDER BY Amount; 


FROM Orders 

WHERE Order_Date LIKE _02 

ORDER BY Order_No; 


FROM Orders 

WHERE Order_Date LIKE %02 

ORDER BY Amount; 


Q16. Consider the following SQL statement and the Orders relation shown in the exhibit: How many records should be returned? 

A. Two records 

B. Three records 

C. Four records 

D. Five records 


Q17. A large enterprise uses a two-tier database architecture and runs complex database applications. Which term best describes the client in this system? 

A. Fat client 

B. Enterprise client 

C. Thin client 

D. Terminal client 


Q18. Consider the Registration relation shown in the exhibit. Which of the following SQL statements would return all tuples that have course codes beginning with the letter M? 

A. SELECT * FROM Registration WHERE Course_Code = # 

B. SELECT * FROM Registration WHERE Course_Code LIKE _ C. SELECT* FROM Registration WHERE Course_Code LIKE % 

D. SELECT * FROM Registration WHERE Course Code = % 


Q19. Which of the following definitions applies to all types of databases? 

A. Data that is stored as tables 

B. Software that manipulates data 

C. Data that is stored in a structured manner 

D. Data recordsthat are stored sequentially in a file 


Q20. Several SQL operations are performed by User 1 to access the Fee information for Bowling in the Act_Fee relation (shown in the exhibit). The first access returns a fee of 50. An unrelated SQL operation by another user updates the Bowling fee to 60. The second access by User 1 returns a fee of 60. What problem has occurred? 

A. Rollback 

B. Deadlock 

C. Dirty read 

D. No problem has occurred. 
