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Q11. Carlos is the Information Technology (iT) administrator for a small company. Over the past year, employees have been using their personal mobile devices and smart phones for business use. This has reduced costs of purchasing new devices for employees. Carlos is now considering whether he should stop supplying employees with company phones and instead require all employees to use their personal smart phones for work. How can Carlos address the most significant security vu inerrability?
A. Develop a robust app to push security updates out to the various mobile OS devices
B. Create an employee policy that requires employees to keep phones updated to the latest technology
C. Create a policy that specifies acceptable use, ensuring security measures are in place for mobile devices
D. Mandate that employees switch to the company’s mobile service provider to ensure security policies are enforced
Answer: C
Q12. A friend just sent you a link to a Facebook page with information that you find very useful. You want to be able to recall the site in the future from your desktop computer, or from your mobile device while away from your desk. Which is the best approach?
A. Memorize the URL so you can pull up the site in any browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer.
B. Add the link to a cloud-based bookmark service such as Delicious or Google Bookmarks.
C. Manually enter the Web address into any and all browsers on all of your devices.
D. Pull up the message with the link any time you want to view the site.
Answer: B
Q13. The App-A-Day company offers software applications for various topics. When a customer purchases a desired application from the App-A-Day online store, he is directed to a page where he can download the application directly. When the customer is redirected and begins downloading the application, which specific standard protocol is most likely transferring the application?
Answer: A
Q14. Ron has an older computer to which he frequently downloads and saves company files. He recently noticed that he was running low on disk space and decided to delete many old files that he no longer needed. He now notices that it takes a long time to open or save documents to his hard drive. Which maintenance task can help?
A. Disk defragmentation
B. chkdsk command
C. fdisk command
D. Disk cleanup
Answer: A
Q15. Which term describes a compact personal computer that relies on a touch screen for in put, generally uses a solid-state drive instead of a traditional hard disk, and relies on wireless or mobile networks for connectivity?
A. Tablet
B. Laptop
C. Netbook
D. Portable media player
Answer: A
Q16. Gwen works for a small company where she has been asked to find a cost-effective option for providing comprehensive customer service. The finance, technical support, sales and customer service departments all need to share information about their customers. Gwen is considering adoption of a customer relationship management (CRM) application. Which of the following would be the most cost-effective solution?
A. She can purchase a new server, then create and maintain the CRM in-house.
B. She can outsource all customer service so the company can focus on product development.
C. She can contract with a cloud service provider to host the CRM that her company’s employees can access.
D. She can hire a programmer to develop and maintain the CRM specific to her company’s needs, then have a service provider host the application.
Answer: C
Q17. Prior to HTML5, structuring a Web site using style sheets with the <dlv> tag and its, attribute has been an acceptable practice to govern the document’s structure. With the emergence of HTML5, what five new elements were introduced for more effectiveness?
A. <nav>, <article>, <aside>, <header>, <footer>
B. <nav>, <header>, <footer>, <body>. <footnote> C. <nav>, <banner>, <article>, <header>, <footer>
D. <nav>, <banner>, <body>, <footer>, <sideimage>
Answer: A
Q18. Web developers typically include comments in their code for which reason?
A. To insert server-side programs, such as JavaScript
B. To communicate performance issues to site visitors
C. To explain the purpose of code sections to other developers
D. To declare which version of HTML each part of the code is using
Answer: C
Q19. Selena needs to send a message to her manager providing all the details of a business proposal. The idea they have discussed is critical to the business. The project is considered urgent and confidential. Selena wants to get this outline to her manager as quickly as possible. What would be the most appropriate way Selena could use an SMS (text) message in relation to this proposal?
A. To send a useful summary of the proposal to her manager so that the manager has it available during a presentation
B. To alert her manager that she has sent the proposal via e-mail so her manager can view the proposal as soon as possible
C. To provide a detailed outline of the proposal so that her manager can refer to it as he travels
D. To send the proposal as an attachment to the text message
Answer: B
Q20. A family member has just sent you an e-mail message that contains highly personal details about a family matter. The message was sent to your company e-mail address. The family member has requested that you respond with your ideas about how to resolve the situation. Which of the following is a reason for you to call your family member and discuss the matter over the phone instead?
A. Because your employer has the right to read your e-mail
B. Because e-mail is completely private but not personal enough
C. Because it is illegal to use company e-mail for personal use
D. Because an e-mail message about a personal family matter will violate netiquette guidelines
Answer: A