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Q11. Which Web-based validation tool is used to validate Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)?
Answer: D
Q12. Philip creates a Web form in HTNL5, but the data will not process. He has the methodattribute included in the <form> element. What is missing?
A. The type attribute of the <form> element
B. The type attribute of the <input’element
C. The act/on attribute of the <form> element
D. The act/on attribute of the <input’element
Answer: C
Q13. When developing Web pages, it is important to test the pages with:
A. Current versions of multiple browsers.
B. Current versions of Internet Explorer and Firefox.
C. Current and older versions of multiple browsers.
D. Current and older versions of Internet Explorer and Chrome.
Answer: C
Q14. Sampson has used HTML5 to create a Web page that contains image-based navigation buttons. He would like to add text-based navigation to help ensure accessibility. Which of the following HTML5 elements should he use?
A. <aside>
B. <footer>
C. <header>
D. <article>
Answer: B
Q15. The process of wire framing typically includes determining Web site goals plus:
A. Outlining project timelines and budget constraints, and identifying site stakeholders.
B. Outlining project timelines and budget constraints, and identifying audience requirements.
C. Outlining the development and marketing process, and identifying audience requirements.
D. Outlining the development process and site navigation, and identifying required technologies.
Answer: D
Q16. Which HTML element aligns content both horizontally and vertically to the center of the table cell by default?
A. <tr>
B. <td>
C. <th>
D. <pre>
Answer: C
Q17. Acme Company has been receiving complaints from its suppliers saying that itsextranetsite does not render correctly in all their employees’browsers. The suppliers are asking that the extra net site be fixed so that everyone can access it, regardless of browser type. When examining this problem, the Acme Web Development team finds that many developers worked on the site and each used code that he or she was comfortable with. To resolve this problem, what can the Acme developers do?
A. Edit the code so that it consistently uses uppercase letters.
B. Edit the code in several common browsers before publishing.
C. Edit the code so that it conforms to a single W3C HTML standard.
D. Edit the code so that it follows a single W3C scripting language standard.
Answer: C
Q18. To ensure the maximum cross-browser compatibility and consistent functionality,
Web developers should:
A. Test their pages in the most used release of each major Web browser.
B. Test their pages in the most common browsers, including the most used and latest releases.
C. Test their pages in only standards-compliant browsers, including the most used and latest releases.
D. Test their pages in the Web browser most commonly used by the site audience, including the most used and latest release.
Answer: B
Q19. Which line of code instructs the browser to look for a directory named mysite that begins one level higher than the page you are currently viewing?
A. mysite/index.html
B. /mysite/index.html
C. ./mysite/index.html
Answer: C
Q20. You are modifying an existing Web page that needs to validate as HTML5 code.
To create a rectangular hot-spot in an image map that links to, which code would you nest inside the <map> </map> container tags?
A. <area shape="rectangle" coords="78, 0, 156, 75" href="" alt="xyz"
B. <area shape="rectangle" coords="78, 0, 156, 75" href="" alt="xyz" />
C. <area shape="rect" coords="78, 0, 156, 75" href="" alt="xyz" />
D. <area shape="rect" coords="78, 0, 156, 75" href= />
Answer: C